Tuesday, June 1, 2010

i got really really really......... bored. just at my lovely home, sittin' front of my friend (notebook), and searching for something that.. i dont know.

i guess there is a mushroom arise from my head.. haha

by the way, HAPPY VESAKH DAY ALL!!
hope Buddha's love and blessing always be with our..

my school made a vesakh party at 28 until 30 may.
there are bazaar, sold many cute things like doll and puppet.
(and i bought one, bunny doll!!)
and, some dish.
and then, there are shows too start from 5 pm. i'd like to watch dance show. my favorite one is, my senior's dance, she is from high school. maybe its a little vulgar, but they are really energic! they did it very very perfect! they are cool!!!
i hope i can make a dance movement as cool as their..
wait for my apperance next year!

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